
"The four fields of Science - Engineering - Design - Art
are interconnected in a cyclical nature"

Our methodology circle, inspired by the Krebs cycle from Neri Oxman, emphasizes that the four fields of Science, Engineering, Design and Art are interconnected in a cyclical nature, similar to the interconnectedness of different aspects during the process of digital transformation. For instance, the insights derived from data analysis (Science) inform the design of Data Architecture and possible AI models (Engineering), which then influence the design of systems and processes (Design). This in turn stimulates new questions and challenges (Art), which feed back into data analysis, creating a continuous cycle of innovation and growth.

Credits Artwork: Neri Oxman’s Krebs Cycle of Creativity

Drawing inspiration from Oxman’s Krebs cycle, we have designed our approach at the MTNA Studio for Digital Transformation. The cycle illustrates our method: starting from harnessing data and crafting AI solutions, we then move to integrating these solutions into the cultural fabric of organizations. But our process doesn’t stop there. We continually question and innovate, driving digital transformation and challenging the status quo. This continuous cycling through these stages – understanding nature, converting information into knowledge, applying it for utility, and then questioning our perception of the world – embodies our commitment to perpetual learning, adaptation, and growth in our work. It’s a dynamic, iterative process that keeps us evolving and innovating, just as the Krebs cycle is a continuous process of energy production in nature.

Our Methodology - 7 Steps

1. Listen
(Art: Questioning Nature)

The process begins with active listening. We hear the challenges, aspirations, and concerns from your side, probing the existing state of affairs to understand the depth of the transformation needed.

2. Reflecting
(Design: Augmenting Nature)

Reflecting and validating the needs is part of our process. By echoing back your thoughts, we ensure alignment with your vision, making modifications and improvements where necessary.

3. Identify Problems
(Science: Understanding Nature)

This step aligns with the scientific domain, where we interpret the patterns and irregularities in the data. Through meticulous analysis, we highlight potential challenges and hurdles, laying bare the ground realities for us to address.

4. Provide Solutions
(Engineering: Applying Nature)

The engineering modality comes into play here, as we devise strategic solutions to counter the identified problems. Leveraging data insights we deploy our technological expertise and construct innovative responses that can effectively address the problem at hand.

5. Regular Communication
(Design: Augmenting Nature)

Like a well-designed system, our commitment to regular, open communication with you enhances the flow of information and feedback. It augments the natural rhythm of collaboration, ensuring that we all are aligned and engaged.

6. Demonstration for Feedback
(Art: Questioning Nature)

The demonstration stage echoes the artistic principle of questioning. We present our progress for critique, welcoming feedback, insights, and alternative perspectives. This cultivates an environment where existing solutions can be questioned, challenged, and improved, ensuring they are in sync with your needs.

7. Provide Precisely What Stakeholders Require
(Engineering: Applying Nature)

The final step, akin to engineering, applies all insights and feedback to deliver the desired solution. Here, we ensure our solution perfectly addresses the needs, leading to effective and efficient digital transformation.